this morning in the office as i was taking my glasses my boss went to my desk and asked me a lot of questions regarding work.
I was like haller it's too early and it's not yet time to work. but then i'm an employee, he's the boss (that's why i really want to be the owner of the company! LOL)
so here is the question and answer....
--->by the way i'm currently working 2 jobs now coz one of my colleague is on vacation and my boss put my name as the reliever (goodness i don't know if he feels that i don't have job or he thinks i'm a superwoman!)
i didn't thought that he is soooo unappreciative...
like for 2 whole days i feel like i can't breathe because i'm being bombarded by a lot of task....
and he says...
why are these document not yet in the register?
what are you doing?
what is that?
so when are you going to finish?
i was like really offended... it's like he's saying that i was just sitting in my chair and curling my hair, making pretty faces, showing my really irresistible smile...
so i have no choice but to be on offensive and i really hated that... it's like i'm justifyig myself!
come on! if you're a manager, you need to be a good leader... and good leader don't do that to their subordinate.
well after talking to one of my colleague because i can't stay put in my chair until i express my offended feelings... i work and work and work.
I didn't realize i'm mature enough to overcome that...